tirsdag 9. september 2014

Cheezecake, Coffe And Candles Made The Day

Everyday is a day you have to face the world no matter what. And today i was bothered with fatigue. I stayed up late last night until 03:00 and had a good time. Sending the first congratulation text message to my son turning 21 years today. And i stayed up watching documentary movies on the tv. I have lived without television for years and i see how the society has changed. I watched documentarys about war and could not believe what i saw. I got so incredible sad about what people are capable to do. But i managed through and got wiser and stronger in my head about this. You have to make up youre mind in todays society about what to think about war. I am for peace and a better world for mankind. And write novels about this. I have taken a clear stand against terror, mass destruction veapons and war. I dont want to fight but live a good and happy life. I wish the world could change to the better, there are so many kind people in this world and i meet them everyday.
I have picked plums today. Opal plums and they are sweet and sour and taste delicious. I picked them together with my aunt child, my sister and my mother. It was a good time. And we talked and had fun. Life is easy, but the world is hard. You need to have skills to make it through. I am happy, naive and not oriented in analyse a person before i meet him og her. And that got me into trouble. I am feeling so incredible stupid about the romance scam. And wished it all had not happened. But i reported it to the police and gave them all information about how it works. It is not just one person but several others in this scam. And i am afraid it is bigger than i think. But i leave it all behind.
My son is 21 years today and he is such a good young man. He has moved out and are taking his education and i promised myself to celebrate the birthday here. I have been a mommy for 21 years. And i have loved everyday. To get a son gave my life meaning and an incredible strenght to stand through no matter what. To love gives you power at heart and stamina to go through difficulties. I bought in cheesecake, ice coffe and a magazine. Lighted candles and enjoyed the peacefull time. I missed my son a lot and got a litle bit blues about that. I am starting a new life alone and has to take actions to manage the life good. I write, read, go walks, bicyckles, yoga, hiking and hobbies. I have a good life now. In the small parts of life and i like it this way. It is easy and comfortable and i meet people every day. Kind people that wants me healed and back to life as the person i once was. And it seems like that is happening.
My best advice to get back to life or to get a better life is to take actions every day. Not sit around waiting for things to fall down from the sky. But be open and active to new experiences and fun. People likes you when you are youre true self, and i am just me. Nothing more, nothing less. I make it through every day in a good way and that is a good life worth living on this planet. I hope you are doing good and love youre life and have all you dream of...if not, make a plan and go for it. Litle by litle life changes to the better. Never ever give up. Good Luck ! :-)
" Small good moments can make a day remembered for a lifetime. "

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