søndag 14. september 2014

Good Habits Make A Good Day

Every person has some habits and make them good. To everyday have something good to do makes a good day. Small rituals that makes you happy. It can be so easy to just have a good wake up routine and a good breakfast. To try to look for what makes you happy and do it over and over again prevents you from going down to blues or depression. I have a morning ritual that makes me happy every day and that is to start the day good. I get up early and make morning coffe and breakfast and eat and drink outside on the terasse if the weather is good, if not i turn on the tv and sit there for a while. It is not much but it makes me happy and try to get up so early that you have good time for the breakfast. I get dressed and starts the day with a smile. I have routines for when i am working with my novels and for when i go to sleep. It is easy steps that takes me in to a good life. A lot of happiness is happening in my life now and that is good. I embrace all the good things and try to stay in the moments with good memories about all happening. Find out what you like to do in regular life and start doing them. You find youreself more happy then, and if you have a bad day routines help you to get a better day, it is like a first aid kit against depression or blues. Good luck !!!
" Every day has happy moments - embrace them and stay happy. "

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