mandag 8. september 2014

No Fear

Today i was to the dentist. And he is so incredible nice and promised to make me smile better than ever. I have fear for dentists. But today i dont know what happened. I prayed that it had to go good. And it did. I nearly slept in the chair. It seems like i am stronger than ever and more relaxed than ever. I had a good time with the dentist and my teeths where in good shape. I had only one hole. And it has been years since last time i went to him. But now i am going more often to rinse and clean my teeth. It is nothing to be scared about going to the dentist. It is like i told my son when he was scared of taking a blood test. I saied to him : " If you pinch youreself in the arm before the blood test you wont hurt. " What i did not realise with my son was that he pinched himself very hard. So he laughed when he took the blood test. It is imagination and thoughts that gets you into fear. And my fear for dentists is gone. I have no fear left again and is looking forward to the next appointment then i am whitening my teeth for the first time in my life. I want to smile good again and the dentist promised me it would be a good smile.
" Fear is in the thoughts and the attitude - change this and youre behaviour and all fear go away. "

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