fredag 9. januar 2015

Clothing And The Secret

Everyday is a totally new day different from all others. And so you can change in clothes with the way you live. You can express you're personality and you're identity by dressing by the mood and the feelings you are in. I change by the day. My regular style is t-shirt and jeans and that is me. Just a country life and living close to nature. Some days are different and when you feel strong and though go for the freedom army. Society is though these days and you need to be strong to live a full life. But remember there is always people supporting you.
This army jacket with crystal details i got for 3 usd / 20 nkr all new in a quality clothing store that had outlet sale. They should sell out all clothing and i got a lot of good clothes for nearly nothing. It was all good quality clothes.
This jacket was expensive new in store. I got so happy getting a all new wardrobe for less than nothing. I use The Secret every day and it works for me in that i get what i need. It don't mean you have to stay poor all you're life. But that all you're needs and everyday life is fulfilled in happiness and quality and you get at you're best nearly everyday by using The Secret for health, happiness, wealth and peace. You find all you need to heal and find you're life in The Secret if you use it right in kindness for all humans. To save money on clothing gets you're economy better so you can focus on health and afford all you need to give you're needs all the best. You get maybe not the life you think, but with a secure guidance you get a better one. I did not dream that Pegas One should come into my life and change it in just some days. So magic that it is a miracle. Pegas One trust me so much that she sleps when i massage her. I know massage on horses. And when they trust me they heal and get in harmony. So go for the life you want in good surprises that forms you're life happier, more peaceful and leads you to you're dream job. I shall work in the stable with horses and psychiatric treatment. And it is a far more better job than i ever dreamed of. All because of trusting the Lord above to guide me and The Secret. So go for a surprisingly good and happy life with energy and in health. I am better than in years.  
So go out to shop you're favorite clothing's by being surprised, there is a personal style for everyone. Be you in all you are and give to other people and you get into harmony with you're dreams and life gets easy. 

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