søndag 18. januar 2015

The Litle Magic Of Life In Cold Water Times

It feels like someone poors cold water over me in these days - i try to tell my story public to get help and i have good support. Yesterday i was invited to friends on dinner and wine. We watched a movie and had a good time. It is good to have people to talk to when you look for a place to hold you're focus and that is to God and Ataraxia to have a good life in difficult and poor times. It is hard to manage and i won't play a role with that it is easier than it is. Poverty is a difficult situation for the world society and there are billions. But it is manageable here in Norway to have little money but i work to get people to help the suffering with mental illness and poverty. WHO has estimated that depression is the worlds largest disease in 2020. And i think they are right - but i am worried of the world society that many will go in psychosis of the severe traumas in the world. People need to find strength and get inner peace. Some think even that it is cool to be angry ? I don't understand this. I know a lot of very brave people and they are not angry but extremely kind but can use their temper if needed. It is to get a control in life that makes you feel free no matter what the situation are. I don't write so much today because i struggle a bit with life. But have laughters together with people calling me and people i am calling :-) Everything is kind here and Happy the budgie wants my attention she yells at me. I laugh so much of her. To find courage in life together with peace there is one man good for that and that is Johnny Cash - i put out a video of him - stay brave to all - the impossible can be done :-)

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