mandag 12. januar 2015

My " New " Favourite Jacket

Everyday can change to the better with reaching goals. I was 97 kilos and thought i can mange to be 100 kilos and write a book about my life as soft and large. But i did not manage more when i got to 97 kilos because i was exhausted and to have had a very trained body and been in very good health it felt really bad being 97 kilos. So i started to diet down and did the impossible going down in weight with slow metabolism and medication. I am slim again and gone down in weight and can fit into clothes i bought when i went down in weight to have something to look forward to. And in this weekend i matched into this jacket. And it looked very good to black jeans and black boots. I held my head high again being me and feeling comfortable. It gives you self esteem to diet down and exercise. This jacket was bought as a dream to match it and it costed me only 28 usd / 200 nkr on sale. It is not a jacket that is in the fashion right now. But i don't care because it is me and i wear clothes as i want them to be for me and not the fashion catalogues and magazines because all in this magazines don't look good on all people and i don't like when all people dress the same. And it cost at the most regular a fortune and people take loans and credits and some even steals to get the style they want and that is not the real life. You can get a good style and a good look by going after what you really want and like. You often get quality then and look better than if you go after someone else's style. So go after what you like and wish for. And if you want to diet down and reach you're body potential at any age read in my blogg about how to diet down a secure way. It takes a bit longer but it pays more of because you don't lose muscles. And women after 25 must take care of theire body going down because they lose muscles and bone mass if they diet down fast, hard and the wrong way. My best advice is to eat cheap but good. Because the most healthy natural groceries are the cheapest. At least here in Norway. You don't need to use a fortune on a diet a man on 92 years old that was stronger than 20 years old thought me how to eat. So today i have shopped in tortillas, salad and a whole side of smoked salmon together with pesto and sour cream to have a happy and clean meal. It costed a fortune but i sometimes use this money on myself to stay healthy. So eat a lot of fish to stay strong. Because it is the best food for us humans. So have a nice day. Changing you're life to you're own life. With you're love and peace in it. Because it is possible everyday to reach goals. Realise that everyday life exists and to get used to the everyday gets the party life better. We are humans and that is the best thing to be lived the right way and always be up for helping others. In this way you get the best friendship by never letting someone think that they are weaker than you. Because they can grow stronger than you on you're love and kindness. Don't worry about this because you get protection and people who is there for you even on you're weakest and darkest days. So be ready for love. :-)

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