fredag 16. januar 2015

Investigation case against Aalesund Hospital and How The Police Works

Thank you all for reading and i hope you find good help and inspiration on that miracles do happen any how much you have suffered. I was closed in on hospital unit of the picture " Soul " and the actions in nurses. I got isolated and had closed connection with the outer world for over two years whiteout being so very ill but treated very wrong of the system. To survive i watched " The Inner Circle " with Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie and Robert De Niro. And that made me understand what they did to my reality and how to keep it together. I suffered but they did not break me. They said a lot of things to confuse my reality when i was isolated. And for seven months i was not out in free air more than ca. 20 times - and it was short.
When i was treated good at another unit after nearly two years with bad treatment and " clicking of reality " and stupid treatment of people who don't know psychiatric and that is just as bad. You have to bee good and stable mentally to work in psychiatric and i found out that many people are not. I gave the case to the city and the municipal police in this county. But they have not questioned me about the case or interwievd me at all. I have written several mails to them. And things have been disappearing from my apartment and i have found medical papers on medication i have not taken in my medicine closet. Dvd has been stolen - probably to click me with pictures mentally. It all stopped after the dog " One Step Closer " alias sleepy dog " Toya " was here. Nobody has gone in the apartment after she was her. I slept so good when she was her and i get myself a german shepherd soon to train to guard and protect dog very stable and friendly. There are many keys to the apartment because it is an apartment to people with extra need for help. I got it only for six months because i am buying a new one. The police is reported a lot about all happening and i have because of their silence in long time and lack of work informed the countrys King about what happens around me. I am afraid it is corruption in this case. I know in one incident at the unit that it was. More i can't say to protect myself. The police in Norway carry guns now because of danger for terror and mentally unstable persons being angry at them and in the psychology in the police treatment of me i wonder if they trig me angry to shot me ? I just question this and wait for answer from the police because i mailed them public with report law about this question in use of psychology in this case of me. The hospital unit broke all laws in Norway and Human Rights and UN laws forming Norways treatment about citizens being ill. I don't know what to do for help - but i have called a newspaper to investigate this case together with me. I read nursing and read the law - i have done nothing wrong and was put to hospital in free will and had rest pulse on 52 - thinking that i just was in the unit for some weeks. They treated me ill and i write my blogg to save and inspire people hurting. I have treated myself with my own nursing skills to a miracle without diagnose and thanks my son and Pegas One for being alive, strong and in mental balance - i had never gotten unstable against the police. The song i put in is Metallica with " One " - because i was treated so bad that one night i had it like this of all the impressions from doctor, nurses, medications and not knowing what was going on in the world. Metallica is good music therapy and can heal traumas and get you braver - i keep you oriented about this if you want to follow this case - i hope i survive this case. I fight against the system but go with the flow in my mind. I smile now thanking the lord above for making me strong again. Live for everyday and nurse you're mental health. A break down can get you stronger when you rebuild. Have a good day ! :-)

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