fredag 9. januar 2015

My Favourite Dress Came To Me By A Confusion

This is my favorite dress because i like blue a lot and it reminds me of the ocean around this islands and it has mermaid patterns and details. It came to be some years ago by a vimsical surprise. I was out to shop a dress for a wedding i was attending and wanted to look okay and not to dressed up. I wanted to look me. I had 150 usd / 1000 nkr to spend on the dress i found. But i could not find a dress at that price. I walked around all the city and desided to go to a fair exclusive store. But when i came in to the store all looked different and like i had gotten to another place in the world i never had been to before. I got very confused and vimsical. The lady in the store came towards me and said : " How can i help you ? " I answered : " I don't know where i am - i am not at the place where i was going to. " The lady was kind : " Where was you going to ? " I looked confused and a bit worried over myself :
" I was going to Dales Match ??? "
" It is right beside here, you have come to " Siris Motesalong " ( Siris fashion saloon ) "
" Oh okay i go right away to Dales Match " I smiled and laughed. But did not understand how i could miss a store so much.
" You don't need to go there. What are you looking for ? "
" A dress to a wedding. But i can't afford to buy one here. I have only 1000,- krone ? "
" Oh sure i have a dress for you. " She said it with a smile. I was worried because i had gone into the most expensive fashion store in the entire city. I had never been there before.
The lady guided me to a place with sale on dresses and showed me this dress : " It will fit you good. It is you're size " She was so kind and helpful. I tried the dress on and it looks very good and classic on and i was happy. The lady gave me the dress for 128 usd / 900 nkr and it is a dress for several thousand norwegian krone and i could not believe that it existed so much kindness in a lady at that store. She gave me one of my most beautiful dresses. And i attended the wedding with a blue scarf over my shoulders and i was called an elf that night. I looked me and blue gives me good color and highlights me. The Lord can send you into surprises and situations that you never could believe happening and make you look nice and better than ever before by being all you in all you are.
Dare to go new places and if you don't you must be up for surprises a good laugh and good kind memories over helpful kind ladies that want you the best no matte who you are and what you're money is like. There is help in all. So wish for magic to happen because this dress show that magic does exist in kindness from other people. The dress fits again now and look good on me and i can't wait to use it again. Have a good and happy day and be always up for surprises. Because the Lord is like that and you can find things and humans you never dreamed of but is the best for you. 

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