fredag 9. januar 2015

Ready For A New Life

Today has just been a regular day in a not so regular life. Every day living can be very fun and i try with all my heart to get back to the person i used to be in a better way than before. I am older and kinder. I stay kind in my mind all the time by prayers and peace and living healthy. Pegas One changed my life to the better in seconds and my whole life changed by days. I am off to work in the stable and needed good clothes to ride and work in. I bought a winter riding jacket in light brown and a riding jeans in brown. It fits and looks comfortable and that is the main thing. You are at you're best if you feel comfortable.
This is the winter riding boots so i can keep warm all the time at my toes. I hate to freeze on my toes because i then shiver over the whole body. It shall be fun to ride and you need to have good clothes. I got all the clothing and the boots at for 195 usd / 1349 nkr. It is really a fortune to me. But by using The Secret i afford to buy at full prize at occasions. I save as much money i can. Even though i don't have much to save from. I look forward to build up a business with novels about horses and how to treat them and how they treat you with giving people self confidence and therapy that is better than psychology. To form connection with a horse is building inner leadership, control and behavior communication that reflects on all you're life. And the focus you get from riding dressage is that you're mind go into flow. You don't need to own a horse. But if you want you can take riding lessons because one hour at the horse back works mentally and in you're body for days. I believe it is the best sport in the world for all humans. If you have a day with trouble. The horse lifts you on her back and carry them away for you. No problem is to big on the horse back. You think healthier by riding and get cognitive behavior treatment by interacting with a sensitive, kind and solid animal with a lot of forces and personality. 
I thought i could present myself as the everyday me. I have a very bad hair of shaving it of and growing it out again. I have not cut it since i shaved it of for one year ago, so i have bad hair day all the time. But the horses don't care and neither do men. They talk to me like they always have done and is the kindest men ever. I am very kind and not the best photographer and i say : " Beauty Fades -
Personality Stayes. " I don't care so much of changing a lot the last years of hospitalization i look a bit tired all the time. But not the days i have been in the stable. Then i glow and sparkle in my eyes. It is a lifestyle for me horses. And Pegas One brought me back to life. Not just the life doctors meant i should live by healing and live normal. Pegas One wanted me to be all me again and The Lord above. I write a lot about how God interact in peoples lives. It is to be kind and give hope that there always is someone that cares for you and guides you if you take time to easen down and pray. Because it works a lot in the mind like cognitive treatment and transforms miracles in you're life. My life is so changed the last month that i can't believe it. All troubles is smaller now and i am stronger, more reflected, more peaceful and not at least in spirit and love in the tune of the life i have alway dreamed of, but never thought i could have. And now it is real. 

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