mandag 5. januar 2015

Wake Up Call

Today i got a wake up call from a kind friend. He is just the best and came over to me just when i woke up. He stayed here for three hours and friends can be better than the best psychology. We had a very good time and my friend  loved to hear about Pegas One and start riding together with me next week. So Pegas One form lives to others also and give them good spirit. Sissel in the stable is so good and kind that i am nearly breath taken over her kindness. I had with me presents to her the last time i was in the stable to inspire her to keep on doing her good work. I start to work in the stable soon so i have my dream job now. I have always dreamed about working with horses. So my life seems to puzzle together to a whole life in quality with good health. So hold on to everybody that believes problems won't end. Because they always do and the kindest people on earth exist to give you friendship and love. I start in a few days learning computer games from my friend so i can exercise my mind back together again. It is researched on that elder people being allowed to play computer game stay healthy and don't develop alzerheimers. So i do all i can to get my mind back in the best shape again and maybe better than before. I promised my friend to bake a cheesecake to him because he loves it so much and so do i. It is allowed on my diet to eat snack and cackes. Because you live on natural needs and the metabolism in the body gets used to it. Because sometimes eating calories can make you burn more the next few days if you stay on the diet as usual and all cravings go for a while away. It is really easy and you stay happy and in good health and not at least peaceful.
Today i put out the official music video from Advenged Seven Fold : " Hail To The King " it is a strong Heavy Metal Band, but they want good to make world peace and focus on holding people strong and aiding the weak to get in health again. They are very  kind and i love them a lot. Even my budgie Happy likes them and sings together with the band. She is a rock and roller and loves music. So have a great day and know that you're weakest part can be you're greatest strength in the future and gives you all the opportunities that is in life. Remember to stay kind and all love works around you. Have no worries and stay brave and happy.
" Gods Love For You Is Alway There "

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