torsdag 8. januar 2015

Dress For Every Occacion

This dress i buyed right before christmas. It is a dress for all year around and i love colors. It highlights you're face and to use the right colors brings you to harmony and it shows in you're personality. The dress is bought at the store " Bik Bok " for 7 usd / 49 nkr. And it is amazingly cheap and you get good bargains if you take the time to look around and see what fits you. I got more clothing also on full price and on sale. I Mix & Match and get a good personal style i like and are comfortable with. I am back in a good body size but are going down more in weight and do that with exercising Toya, riding Pegas One, Zumba and Yoga so i stay in activity and feel at spirit. But some days are slower than others and i also get problem days. Sometimes of thing happening and sometimes of eating the wrong food. So these days i test out a lot of food to see what i can eat and not eat. I try to eat clean and drink a lot of water and take my vitamins. I recommend all people living in 2015 to take vitamins because of all the stress in the society and in the world. It helps you to stay in spirit and be strong. I nearly never get a flue or a cold.
To get the clothing you want by you're style is to be yourself and go after the clothes that makes you happy and confident and you feel good in. This is the secret to a personal good style and it don't need to ruin you. You can get uplifted on all the good bargains you get and study a lot of stores to see what fits you're economy. You can dress nice and feminine by using the money you got. So get you're style of you're life and you're personality and you can dress to a good day and good feelings. But it is the inner self that counts and i don't dress up every day. I walk regularly in the everyday life in t-shirts and good comfortable jeans. That is my everyday standard. I am on the go to get new shoes. I have to look a while after that because i need hiking and walking shoes and i have to use a fortune on that because it need to be quality. So next week i go to the city to get good shoes for a new life in 2015 - all dreams can come true and they don't need to ruin you're economy. Mix & Match and you have a quality life with money no matter where you are in the world.

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