onsdag 28. januar 2015

Honestly Now : The Secret Is Bullshit !

I have to write about my first blogg writing and the day i started. I thought it was the secret from the movie of Rhonda Byrnes. But actually it was God and that is something different than the secret and i am afraid that the secret has created financial crisis and gotten people in ruins with practicing it. Watch the movie about getting all you want in life and dream high. You can sit out in a desert and get water and you have all you ask for in life. And that is God and not The Secret. God gives you what you need in life not always what you think you want so i think the world is up for a lesson. There is common sense in life and not only dreams. There is discipline and not only go for impulses and dreams and have the best flow in life. It is not possible all the time because we are humans and shall feel and not only joy all the time because it is so mentally willpower taking to stay in this position all the time. I have ataraxia - but don't want it all the time. I want to feel all emotions in life and be allowed to feel them to shape to a true person and you don't know who you are and what you made out of you're life before you leave this planet. Rhonda Byrnes says little about praying. And i think the real secret in life is prayers. That is the reason i got ataraxia and Rhonda Bynres have never been in my life and i have followed her with love on Facebook and in videos. I believe the answer is to let God lead you by you're common sense and show you're strength and stamina and get joy when you feel it. I will write more about this. So look for what you really need and sometimes that is a real lesson in life because that can be blessings to make you wiser and they say little about that. It is like the whole world is saying more about the secret but that ruins the planet. We have to think needs and today that was my best friend arriving here willing to fight for my life with peace and love. Jesus had very ltile things in life and shared all with other people. He even ruined away when they wanted to make him into a King. He chosed to live by basal needs and maybe that is the best way. You get what you need in life. And today i walk away from The Secret and Rhonda Byrnes and follows the road God leads me to and that is back to myself and that is not a rich person but a happy person facing life no matter what happens. So Good Luck In Studying Life. Be up for surprises because God works in mysterious ways :-) He loves you and that is worth the world to us all :-)

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