onsdag 14. januar 2015

The Secret About Inner Peace : Ataraxia

For many years ago i was diagnosed in my medical journal in a hospitalization with Ataraxia. I lost it for a while but is back to this mental and body state that keeps you in a stable nervous system that gives you normal behavior and normal thoughts. It is a state of seldom inner peace and happiness. And it creates miracles in everyday life with that you have you're creativity all the time and life is not boring but filled with beauty no matter what you're losses are and the problems. It is not possible by todays society to be in this sacred place all the time because of what happens to the world society and the environment you live in. But it is a peaceful place to return to where you can recover from all problems. You stay mentally strong and are not afraid of what others may think of you. You stay in love towards all humanity but has you're clear borders. You live in a than fullness to everyday and it is so beautiful that you think heaven is here on earth. Even if it is not.
You laugh a lot and have a joyful time with all humans. You select you're days by clear goals and stabilization to know in you're mind what you focus on. You don't need to push you're mental limits. But struggles makes you stronger and learn you to focus so ataraxia is easier to achieve for someone that has struggled a lot such as mental ill people and people with other illnesses. It takes patients and in prayers to the Lord above to get to this place. You get in inner balance and nearly never angry. It is a very kind place to be in you're mind and body and you stay with love and care all the time.
It is reached in struggle with giving up all needs. And poverty becomes a blessing that you receive more joy. You get stabilized you're needs to a natural way with great love in you for others and yourself. But be not surprised that you might end up with loving others and see their beauty more than yourself. It takes daily practise in prayers. It takes will power, but you can lean back and relax also. You need the basal needs to be fulfilled such as water, good food and have love around you. You don't longer focus on outer beauty and end up more beautiful in you're soul. Balanse yourself with prayers if you will reach ataraxia and be without a mental diagnose and have a happy life where you're dreams are being fulfilled after Gods time and will. Don't force life to come to you but relax and live with it. Thank you for reading - wish you the best for life :-)

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