lørdag 24. januar 2015

The Secret of Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa is here with me in a silk print i got at a vintage store when i was hospitalized. The best advice for hospitalized people is to always have a picture of art they like or have painted themselves to always keep you as yourself. I got this print as a token of the Secret of Rhonda Bynrnes. Practised by the Lord above it keep you in humor and up for surprises, because God surprises in a good way and have humor and allows you to be yourself. I have studied Leonardo Da Vinci a lot and he suffered a lot because of people and rumors and stayed strong by knowing medical and exercise treatment and was always kind towards people. He was an unforgettable genius that still has secrets to relieve. I am in peace and joy by telling you my interpret ion of The Mona Lisa. I am in strong believe that she was pregnant and was carrying the child with great love to a man. And who it was might never be relieved. Leonardo Da Vinci focused on Jesus and his learning and i believe Leonardo Da Vinci was leaded by voices and had trust in God to go through all he went through. I have studied so much that people who have researched on him told that if he lived today he probably had been put on medication. Nature and painting heals. So study for life the world and see how beautiful it is because i believe paradise is to be found by us here on this planet. Walk in eternal peace and stay kind and you get saved. Love everyday because there is always a solution. Leonardo was very kind and loved mankind and earth no matter what happened to him. Love him for all he was to this planet and his main goal for all he did was to protect - so maybe he protected Mona Lisa and her child by painting her ?

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