fredag 2. januar 2015


Soul is something we can't see all the time but it is there all the time even if it is years since you have felt all you're senses being back as they used to. It is something different from the ego that is a psychological idea, and it is only an idea. Soul is described in the Bible from the love of God and is the really you shining through and when you are in the values and the right love of life you are in you're soul. You're soul is only you. Nobody else has you're soul and it is true love. I love all people higher than myself and has no ego. I have prayed for this and it keeps me strong and in a special state of peace and happiness nearly all the time, even if i feel bad i can smile and joke and show care and love. I am kind to all humans and that protects you from harm. Because you get guardians as friends because of this and i love my friends so much and it is in the spirit of my soul. God wants you to find the true you. The person you are when you are loved, and you find it better in peace without a man or a woman because you have time to find the person you lost inside or the new you in spirit of you're soul and in this there is good health and all you're body function good and that is also including you're brain. Talk to you're heart and you will find you're soul and wash it clean so it can shine for yourself and all mankind. You are born in love and stay always loved by God even if you don't believe. God is up for surprises. As he showed me with Pegas One and got my soul in the right spirit again and way of thinking. Many needs went away as for things and clothes and i am back to this picture taken by the Photographer Mari Mork in Norway in 2003 at a beach we bought love. It is a picture taken to a art exhibition in a church that was called " Joy of Life " and i was in prayers when the picture was taken. The picture is better in real and lighter and have more space around. I photographed it myself yesterday and it got in sepia by the light in the apartment. The apartment i have is a bit dark and i light candles all the time to have it cosy. It is not the best place to live but suffering is a part of life and only a period. I trust God that he will make a better place for me to live in a while.
Mari Mork took the picture and wanted me to be her model for joy of life because she did not know a happier person with more spirit of life. I was nervous because i did not like much attention but because it was in the arms of God and for female artists i said yes to go on with it together with her. I have not managed to see this picture in years because all i lost in my life, also me and my stamina and posture because of bad treatment. And a woman got obsessed by the picture wanting to look better than this picture and always over go me, even in a hospital unit she is working. In 2012 she did on the evening shift the posture of the picture in the unit to me. And i could not believe it was happening but she looked at me smiling. And it was not a good kind smile. And i thought : " It can't be the picture from the church ? " I thought about it for a while and said nothing. But in the morning the day after she showed up in the same clothes i am wearing at the picture and in a extreme way wanting to show off. I just gasped and said nothing. But it hurted doing this to me when i was ill. This women has for year said that : " You and me are so alike. " But we are not at all. And i did not want to look like this woman so i shaved of all my long hair and changed style and gained weight on purpose and it saved my life. Because everybody treated me differently. So i don't look like this picture anymore. I am older but Pegas One is shaping my body back and showing me that i am in good strength and stamina managing to work a horse good with all the nervous system functioning. But i nearly died of this picture in grieve. But Mari Mork came with it this christmas with three framed pictures for several thousand norwegian krone and saved my life with the spirit of the day. It was the children that saved me. Because three children was together with me at the exhibition and i guard this three kids which is grown ups and adults now with my life. It shows three kids playing having their time of their life being happy of Mari Mork and Me. It turned my pictures away from the obsessed woman. The pictures are hung up in my apartment and makes me laugh because this is three brave kids having a happy childhood and saving my spirit with that i love them and smile and laugh just by seeing the picture. It is their real joy because we adults can put away all needs so the children can be loved and play in pure freedom and i have given that to my son. He played a good joke in the picture and i laughed so much of this and he has been allowed to be a bit naughty and that made him nice. Because he told me : " Mom if i can't be a bit naughty what stories shall i tell my children ? " I got heartstroken and let him play freely because he is such a good person. He was allowed to have all the fun he could possible have. And thanked me for it for not long ago. So you're soul get saved by everything if you just hold on. And i am going back to 2003 to be myself again and i know i will be stronger of exercise than i was then to care, guard and protect the grown up children that i love with all my heart. Take pictures so you have you're memories and they can save you later to show that you really lived in spirit from God. Be blessed in happiness and love in all you are.
" God is Great He Forms Miracles Everyday So Get The Lense Of You're Soul And Be Loved "

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