onsdag 14. januar 2015

How To Treat Psychosis And Get Them Well In 15 Minutes

To treat psychosis the best way you need to relax down the situation with a coffee cup and the person treating the psychosis can't be a person on a mission in life with their own goals by the ego so the patients get a victim of a story to another persons life. It needs to be a person perception the life on an unselfish way with care and love for the patient. I have been under and seen a lot of bad treatment of healthcare workers. The person that showed up in my life and thought me how to treat psychosis was my son and i am so proud of him giving me knew knowledge of treatment go acute psychosis of just being himself. The first thing he did was to look beyond the diagnose. He looked at me as his mom and i had been worried for my son seeing me in psychosis and always taken the signs and went to hospitalization before i got into post psychosis. What happened when my son saw me in psychosis was that he laughed a lot. It was the weirdest thing he had ever experienced and he is a very solid, strong and thought person not afraid of asking questions. And that changed the whole situation. My son interwied me and asked : " Where are you now in you're head mommy ? " I had to answer this as best as i could. And my son accepted all my answers. And accepting is the key factor. Just accept the whole situation and don't try to force a change in the psychotic person. My son wanted to know all about my thoughts and psychosis. So i had to explain him about pre - per- post psychosis. A person don't need to stay in psychosis for a long time. Look beyond the diagnose and don't analyze so you get funny looks in you're face because psychotic persons reacts on that and can get angry. Don't be afraid of anger. It is just a feeling but don't build under the anger with that the person treating the patient gets angry. Then it get personal and unprofessional. My son talked and stimulated to my intelligence and the everyday. He made coffee and took all the danger out of the situation by laughing and being calm and steady. And showing that with his body language. He said : " Remember i am an adult now mommy and you can talk about all you want to me i handle it. " And so i did. I got out of my psychosis and normal and so peaceful that when we decided that i should go to the hospital. I really did not need to because i was treated better than ever before. I sat in the hospital at peace and so proud of my son that i had only 52 in rest pulse and normal blood pressure. On other times i had been in crisis with elves high in my body. My son thought me to interwiev psychotic person and relate all the talking to reality but in real interest. Because people with psychosis are just the same as you and me. They are not ill all the time and often extremely intelligent. By talking with someone solid safe and who really cares a psychotic person can learn reality and adapt new thought that make them well. We are not alone in this world. I get healthy and all normal and very loving together with my son and he saved my life. I will write a short book about treating acute psychosis and make them well in 15 minutes because it is possible with good TLC and stimulating to the intelligence in the person. And you can get a greater talk than ever before by being really curious and caring whitout invading the person. Let all talk in their speed and look beyond diagnose, pretend like there is no diagnose and that the person can get all normal because they do. So make some relaxed fun and good food if someone gets psychotic and talk over this and get the person normal and maybe better than before because the psychotic person gets someone to trust and are not alone anymore and that can heal them like a miracle. But it is really only common sense and my son has a lot of that. I am so proud of him. He got job offer because of this in the psychiatric field. The unit that treated me kind wanted him to work there. He was so good to me that he was there several times a week and played chess and scrabble together with me and we grow closer together and i had to realize that he is a grown up that make it good in a very healthy way and he is going to be a physical therapeut and i have managed good in life. But remember to give you're children credit for what they achieve on their own and my son turned up after several years with psychiatric treatment as the best one. I still wonder about this because his treatment worked like magic. So look beyond the diagnose and ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask. But do it in a gentle way. You can end up laughing a lot :-) We still laughs about this happening. So be aware that there can be persons without education with interest in people with love and care that has better social skills and are better than the best health care workers and can change the system only by chilling out and talk :-) So give it a try. Make it peaceful. Don't push and don't get angry - just ask questions and see what happens :-) Don't be surprised if they all end up normal and sleeps a very good night and heals.

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