onsdag 28. januar 2015

I Got So Kind Today My Best Friend Is Back To Save My Life

It has been a imbalanced day but life is ups and downs according to my best friend and you are not thought that in the psychiatric field. It is only problems and diagnoses and a lot of fuss. I have nearly had all diagnoses in the world and read about them all. I have studied a lot. My best friend brought me back to the real island life. With gossip and a lot of fuzz. She is a very strong lady with kids that are my sons friends. And we have shared some of the best moments in life together. I got so relaxed to just listen to all happening here and about here adorable kids. I have thought a lot about them the last years. According to my friend i am better than before. Back to my 20`ties because i was very relaxed then and took life as the day gave it to me and slept well. We talked for hours and smoked cigarettes and found out that we do this for a while more and quit together when we are ready. We laughed a lot and i cried of joy that she is getting married to a man that loves her with all his heart. To talk as all myself with the people that has known me best in life is a relieve. And she can witness that i am myself because somebody has tried to hospitalized me a lot today and it is close family that has not been together with me in nearly three months. I have lived alone and had a pleasant life in all the fuzz happening. I document all happening in the apartment with pictures on Facebook to have witness and my friend helps me and got to see for real what has happened. So now i can clean the apartment tidy again. I decided when all the things in the apartment got fixed and fuzzed around to click me mental and do me paranoid that i click them back. I did not tidy to not get anxiety if something is moved and to not see it. And i decided to show who i am with making dvd`s in a video shelf they have stolen dvd`s from and i lied down there strong movies and some kind. I learned that from a man on 60 minutes that kept his all apartment untidy with a lot of mess so nobody could see who he were and not notice him if they wanted to see his personality and analyze him. I am so relaxed and tired and can't sleep because i had such a good time. My friend drove me to the store and shopped for me so i could relax and get help because this is a small society where rumors gets fast around. To be with my best friend again was to get flowers into my life. And my friend has not changed at all in years and look younger even though she is 40 years old like me and we talked about the old days also. She know i have had a difficult life. We are together again and more friends have been on visit to look after me and told me what to do. They support me and guard me with all they have got. To talk like an everydaperson not looking for it all gets me at ease and back to myself and i don't work with my life at stake anymore. And have my friends back and i know they will help me a lot. So now i face the natural ups and downs that is real in life and not being hospitalized if i just show a little sing on grieve. They have put me through hard times losing Pegas One the horse and not get peace to have the feelings i have in this matter. It was a dream that got to heaven. I had her in my life for a little while. And my best friend goes riding together with me. And we talked as adults now and laughed a lot about that. We have grown together in being apart in all that we have missed in each other. My friend can't understand the treatment i have gotten in this life. She is better than a doctor with basic natural life instinct and that is to stay alive. So here i am back to a normal life like a everyday miracle the psychiatric treatment had used months on with medication. So talk to you're best friend always in what is bothering you. They love you no matter what. I go to bed now. More happy than in days and i got a piece missing back in my life. Life shows the best parts in suffering and trouble. So face the ups and downs together with someone it is harder to stay alone. And that can also get you into trouble. People think so much weird thoughts and i want to send in ordinary people to the psychiatric treatment that treats the total person and not only the mind and the thoughts. You get stupid and slow then. So i face life braver with someone close to me back that understands me and tells that i am all healthy and can be myself as i truly am. Relaxed and very kind even though how hard life is with facing a new reality in life. Thank You For Reading :-)

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