søndag 11. januar 2015

How To Treat All Mental Ill Healthy Fast

All psyciatric disease can be treated fast with basal first aid treatment that recovers less medication and after a period no medication at all. It is to work beyond the ego and not do classification only after the dialogue in the patient. There are a lot of thoughts and feelings that work in a patient and trig the nervous system to work faster and cause severe stress, shown in a lot of symptoms as sleeping less or a lot, anger, anxiety, sadness, grieve, depression, feeling tensed, nervous etc. There are a huge list of symptoms occurring every day. There need to be written down a plan for the patient by a interview of the patient about all the patient lives for and his or hers dreams for life. It needs to be worked with a life plan. That gets the patient ready to go for his or hers goals in life and working for achieving optimal health. To only get this formed down in a plan and someone to help the patient can do that the patient get spirit and recover. You don't need to keep them in hospitals for a long time. Some patients for a period over years. All can recover by getting good food, water, enough sleep and exercise. But that is not enough only. You need to work with the nervous system by working with the mind to find time to relax from all troubles. To get time outs where the patients have time to explore what in his or hers imagination and dreams is the best thought to have. You can chose what you want to think about. It is to learn the patient control over the mind in a personal free way. That they learn to focus on what really is their dreams. And it don't need to be the best person in the world. But the person the patients imagine they can be and go for that with realistic plans.
To essen down a nervous system that has been overworking maybe for years before the symptoms on mental illness occurred can take time. But by good environment and nurses that knows that just a hug or that someone holds you're hand and help you to find meaning can easen down the nervous system. The nervous system works on the whole body and it works fast. Only one good thought on what ever it can be from a pet to someone you love to a favorite hobby can get the nervous system to stabilize and get you're mind into flow and then you're mind function optimal.
The technique to treat the nervous system back to optimal health and behavior is done by good communication on a free way to all what the patient are and show interest in the patient that they want meaning and recover from illness. It is easy done with the right persons. And to stabilize the body works also on the mind it stabilize together with the body.
I am writing a book about this and write better and with more words in Norwegian to develop skills in health care workers to work for stabilization of the nervous system it get all the body into harmony and the patient get a normal behavior and can get better than before with teaching to the right life skills. Many people have had it so bad in life that they never learned to focus on what is the main things in life for them and just go after impulses and easy way out solutions. That causes stress after a while and leads into illness in different diagnosis. It is possible to treat a patients away from diagnose and medication by giving the best basal health care and teach them ready to function in their own life so they can reach their dreams.
I am a product of this treatment and are cured and all healthy and highly function again in life. So never give up to anyone suffer, and family can help out in a huge way by developing nurse skills by reading literature and treat the patients always as themselves not someone it is pity on or never manage a thing. That gets them into a role they don't want to have. And to long in that role can create a patient. There is always a solution and when you lose hope and believe - remember that God is there. To pray is better than meditation and gets you in contact with a force of love that never gives you up. If you only believe as little as a mustard seed - that is the smallest seed of all - it is enough to start believing. Have a great day and a good life :-)

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