torsdag 22. januar 2015

Working For My Life And The Law In Norway

It has been difficult days. In Norway many people are afraid of the police walking around with guns and being armed because the danger of terror and against mental ill people. I have done nothing wrong and people and nurses around me has broken the law. It is illegal by law in Norway to stear a person into sucicidal behavior and suicide. It is the same sentence as murder. And the police has done with me. I have a case against Aalesund Hospital because of isolation and have proves on that they broke the law in Norway, The Human Rights and UN`s CPRD. But the police never contacted me to take an interwiev of me to hear about my experiences. And i am very wounded by the isolation and the treatment. There happened things in my apartment and i sent the thing placed in my apartment to the police and they did not come here to investigate. It happened more in my apartment and they did not arrive here to look what happened and the proof is still here. I photographed all things happening in my apartment so i have proofs. And it is a municipal apartment that many has keys to and it lies in an area wich is easy to get in and look if i go out. It has not been anyone here since our dog was here. I stopped calling the police because they were unpolite when i called them and treated me very bad. So i started to send them mails to get help. It has been over months and they have not answered the mails. I took the last mail and wrote to them about their psychology about this : " Do you want to trig me angry to shoot me ? " I did not get an answer on that mail either. And i have read the laws of Norway and The Law About Police. They don't have the right to treat me this way - they shall treat with kindness and help all ill people - it says in the law. If the Police arrive here at my place or do me something outside they can get 21 years in prison. Because i have been suicidal and dead in grieve. I have thankfully people helping me - but they wait until the police do something or step over the line. It is sad for Norway this. And the last days i have been on Facebook telling my story because no newspaper in Norway wanted to take the case and write about it. So i don't trust media either. I don't have a clue on what i shall do but some nurses support me and are brave and want the police to go to prison. The Police is a service unit that shall secure all citizens. And i have the right to use a part in the law to arrest them myself if they arriwe here. I have done hard work and is exhausted. I hope the police don't pressure me to get hospitalized in their psychological treatment against me - that is also forbidden. I keep up with the case. Thank You For Reading.

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