tirsdag 13. januar 2015

Elder Horses Knows Us Humans

I am restless this night and can't sleep worrying for Pegas One and the injury in her leg. I can't bare to loose her i love her with all my heart. She saved my  life being wise and study me. This picture is taken on the day i first met her and she had just protected me and she studied me a lot. I was healed of a mental illness of a kind hospital unit. But two and a half year with hospitalization and bad treatment had put its scars on my mind and soul. I was breath taken by Pegas Ones courage to save my life and turn it around to instant trust in the horse and her kindness. Horses are very wise. I did not know that Pegas One is 23 years old when this picture is taken. She just stood calm and studied me. I wondered so much why she looked me in the belly all the time. She stood and looked at it for a long time in peace. I wondered if she knew something. Horses are sensitive and feels moods and energy from us humans. I wondered if she could sense my grieve and if the horse wondered if i was a mother. She brought a smile to my face but also deep and lonely thoughts. I have one son that i love with all my life and soul and do whatever it takes for him to help him with his goals and dreams. But he is a solid young intelligent man that want to make it all on his own and i have to let him do that in love and care. I wondered if Pegas One sensed my grieve. I have wanted a lot of children. When i was younger and not ill i wanted a whole little gang of crazy kids. I love them and care so much for them. But i have been hurted a lot so it was with one son. I have grieved of not giving him brothers and sisters and being a happy family. Lonely thought can drive you to depression. I had a moderate depression and did not need hospitalization but the doctors wanted me to give it a try. I realized then of clear thinking that it was so bad that my only place was together with my son. And i gave him all my best until for four years ago. I got medication i got very ill from and had nightmares and was very scared of getting this medication again. I got into a place where it all was guarded up all the time to not get into hospitalization because i did not want to leave my place in life that is together with my son. I have not cried of this. And by the short time i have had together with Pegas One i have healed of this. She has treated me so kind and looks at me all the time so study me. She is extremely kind and i think she knew my grieve over losses in life. She brought a mommy back to herself with laughter and joy and i know by the injury she has and the possibility of loosing her and letting her go that i will break down and let all my past go. It will be hard times but it is to get in contact with the real pain and letting it go and let it rest in the past. Pegas One lifts burdens of my shoulders and she does even if she is injured. She is a courageous horse and humming so load to me in the stable in joy that it was like she said : " No time for grieving. " In my reflections over the connection with Pegas One she heals me and make my life to the better. And maybe better than ever before. Even if i have to maybe let her go. It is sad. But some meetings and some things in life you never get to explain with the right words how beautiful it are. Pegas One was a lifelong dream coming true. Maybe just for a short time but it was there and it was real. And in spirit Pegas One still lives and in my prayers she lives forever in kindness to the wisest and kindest horse on this earth. She sensed it and knows she saved my life and she shows joy of it. So treat the elder horses as the best. Because they have followed people and know us humans and gives us love until they die - even in great pain. Pegas One gives me courage to tell the truth and i wish for her to live a long life because she is a fighter like me. I will wonder my whole life on who the horse Pegas One is :-) She is more than a dream and for me sent from God to me. Believe in miracles they can happen in the strangest and most surprising way. And Pegas One leads me to not be afraid anymore but get back all my courage for life. She cleansed my soul from traumas and i hope others can learn from it that animals in therapeutic way is often better than humans. You don't always need to speak in words but silence. So i whisper to Pegas One in my own way and she sleeps of this. So i can give Pegas One something back for saving my life. It is night here and i go to bed. Knowing that elder horses can be used in saving lives. Because they do :-)

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