onsdag 14. januar 2015

The Danger About Medication In The Psyciatric Health Field

Some years ago i got hospitalized of acute psychosis. I was just scared of the treatment and being hospitalized and that trigged a crisis in me. And i got very scared. More scared that psychotic. At arriving the unit i talked to a good and caring nurse. Actually the one i like best at the hospital. She is elder and don't pretend to be something other than she is. She knows good care by being secure and know comforting and peaceful talking. But i refused to take medication in tablets. Because i have re-active psychosis when i get ill. I hope i never get that again. The nurses got very angry and personal upset of me not taking the medication and talked to me like i was an object. And that is the worse way to treat a peson. You want to be a human with all the allowed feelings of life no matter where you are in life. I did not get angry i was quiet and peaceful but talked to them. The doctor decided to give me an acute psychosis injection with " Cisordinol-Acutard " Lundbeck ". I think i gave me a very high dose because i got extremely ill. I nearly died. For several days i had black out and did know nothing about what happened around me or in the environment. I sat talking to myself to survive and not get filled with anxiety. I could not breathe proper and i had a sound in my throat that was awful. And i got damaged in the larynx ( throat ) of this. I had confusion and was very sad that the unit did not call my family to tell how ill i was so i could have them with me and say goodbye if i died. Nobody did anything. They just put me in a room without any conversation but the bad part was that they gave me even more medication to the injection medication working in my body. I had it like this for over a week. I read today about reporting side effects. That health care workers shall report the side effects of a medication to the medical government. The catalogue in Norway that register all medication. I still can't eat all kinds of food because of the damage in my throat. I have been terrified the medication and scared of reacting like this on other drugs. I have not done that and one medication works good on me in acute psychosis but because of side effects i can't stay long on this. I tell all doctors to start always on a very low doze or treat at first with tranquilizers, calming medication, because that can work just as good as medication for psychosis. There is danger in the regulation of hormones in the brain as dopamine and serotonins and the working of nerve cells in the brain. I recommend working with good nurses that knows how to treat a person and treat them with good communication and common sense. I work for that patients get secure and optimal health treatment and the drugs are just a little side of the persons life story. There need to be developed trust so the person can tell what is really wrong. See beyond the diagnose and treat all as the best humans in the world. Because all shall get the same needs fulfilled. I did not help that i was educated as a nurse. It took several years before i got a diagnose. But when i got a diagnose they treated me as if i was an idiot. I write the crime novel : " The Idiot " to tell that patients are not the idiots but really smart and most of the more caring and have developed nurse skills of being in the psychiatric field for a while. I got a new experience. I was this autumn hospitalized at a medical unit for 24 hours with suspicion on heart decease ( nothing was wrong ) - and i realized that me and another patient from a mental institution behaved the best and most peaceful. Don't treat the patient to loose all their skills in life and only be at peace all the time. Because there is more than the ego - there is a whole body to treat and a nervous system that shall function optimal to get the best behavior. Try out medication in low dozes and never go agains the laws by the medication from the maker of the medication that medication for psychosis shall not be used together with other psychosis medication. It is not right to play hazard with patients life. I am scared that many doctors are to into their own believes and are being hazards and taking risks with patients life. They have done with mine. I have gotten a lot of medication and have evidence in my medical journal. It ruined my signals in the nervous system and it function well again because of connecting and riding the horse Pegas One. So treat a patient with love and wanting to save their lives and not ruin them. You shall take medication in psychosis and relax - but it has to be a doze that the body and mind can handle in the metabolism. I still lives and hope i will do for many more years. And of all the struggle i reached inner peace and confidence. But get a kind and good communication with the doctor and demand cognitive treatment. It saves you back to life. Patients needs to be conscious and get the information about all medication they get. So to doctors secure the patients by giving them all you're best and optimal treatment because you are educated to do so. Thank You For Reading. I am all healthy again :-)

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